Zumba Fitness World Party Stuck on Hover Over Play to Continue

- Estimated achievement difficulty: 2/10 [Achievement Difficulty Rating]
- Offline: 39 [1000]
- Online: 0
- Approximate amount of time to 1000: 10-15 hours [Estimated Time to 100%]
- Minimum number of playthroughs needed: 1 of each song, 1 of each tutorial, and then grinding for calories burned
- Missable achievements: None
- Does difficulty affect achievements: No difficulty option
- Unobtainable/glitched achievements: None
- Extra equipment needed: A Kinect sensor and a second person

Welcome to Zumba Fitness World Party, a dance game for Kinect that sees you touring the world, learning dances from over ten different countries as you burn calories and have fun while doing so. This game is very casual compared to other dance games: the dances themselves are relatively simple and repetitive, and the achievements are pretty easy. This game was definitely designed with fun and exercise in mind, rather than difficulty or challenge, so for those new to the genre, this is a great dance game to start out with. Let's get started.

Abbreviated Walkthrough:
Since this is an "open" game where you have multiple modes available at all times, there is no specific order this game needs to be completed in. I have broken the game into steps below only to make it easy to see what you need to complete in each mode in order to unlock all achievements, but feel free to jump around to various modes, or work on one until it's completed.

There are a couple things that you should do immediately upon starting the game though:

  • Go into your Goals (located in My Zumba on the main menu) and set a goal. This can be as quick and easy as you like, but I recommend setting the goal to 12 hours of playtime and the time limit to one month. There is an achievement for playing for 12 hours in a month, and there isn't a way to track it. Setting up this goal gives you an easy way to track it, and you need to do it for an achievement anyway.
  • Plan to play for 12 hours in one month. This should be obvious after the above note, and may not seem like much, but make sure you put the time in to get this time-sensitive achievement accomplished.
  • Plan to play for four days in a week. This is a seven-day stretch, not a calendar week, but make sure to log in and play at least one day on four different days in a week.

Step 1: Tutorials
One of the first and easiest things you can do in this game to get acquainted with it is to play through all of the tutorials. There is an achievement for completing each one, and another achievement for completing them all. In general, these tutorials are incredibly fast and easy to complete for the achievements, and won't take you more than a minute or two for each one.

Step 2: Classes
There are three lengths of classes in this game: short, medium, and long. These last for 20, 40, and 60 minutes, respectively. Take note that the achievements for completing each of these classes do NOT stack, so you will need to play all three of the classes. Also be aware that there is an achievement for completing a class with two people (length doesn't matter), so make sure to have someone join you for one of the three classes. Lastly, your performance doesn't matter at all for the related achievements, so don't fret over your star ratings. Once you've played through all three classes, with one other person for at least one of them, you're done with this mode.

Step 3: Dance to All Songs, Unlock All Bonus Content
This is the bulk of the game, and what's required is that you dance to every song in the game. In order to unlock all bonus content in a song, you'll need to get at least 3 stars on it. You can dance to the songs either in Quick Play or World Tour mode, but keep track or go in order, because in World Tour mode specifically, there's no way to tell which songs/locations you've danced to. Getting 3 stars requires very little effort, and once you've gotten 3 stars on every song you'll be done with achievements specific to this mode.

Step 4: Grind out 5000 Calories
One of the last achievements will be to burn a cumulative total of 5000 calories across all time played with this game. The achievement tracker works for this, but unfortunately there isn't really a quick way to unlock this. Replay any songs you like and dance your heart out to burn as many calories as possible until you reach 5000 and unlock the related achievement.

If you haven't made playlists yet, there are three achievements tied to making them. Jump into that mode and quickly throw together playlists to unlock the related achievements. It doesn't matter how many songs you add, and you don't need to play them, so this is a quick step. If you're missing any time sensitive achievements, now is the time to wrap them up to wrap up this completion.

Zumba Fitness is a game clearly designed for fun and weight loss, rather than difficulty or learning to dance. Because of this, unlike most other dance games, this one is far easier and quicker. Very little skill is required, but you'll unavoidably be dancing quite a bit to unlock all the achievements. Hopefully you enjoyed this casual game, and congrats on the completion!

[XBA would like to thank Necrophage33 for this Roadmap]

  • Complete your first Zumba Fitness World Party song

    As the description states, this will unlock upon completing your first song. It unlocks at the summary screen though. What this means is that if you're playing World Tour mode, you'll dance to 5-8 songs for a single location, and this achievement won't unlock until the summary screen after all songs for that location are complete. So don't be alarmed when it doesn't unlock as soon as you finish the first song in that playlist.

  • Complete "Learn the Steps" Salsa

    Refer to the " Zumba Diploma " achievement solution for more information.

  • Complete "Learn the Steps" Merengue

    Refer to the " Zumba Diploma " achievement solution for more information.

  • Complete "Learn the Steps" Cumbia

    Refer to the " Zumba Diploma " achievement solution for more information.

  • Complete "Learn the Steps" Reggaeton

    Refer to the " Zumba Diploma " achievement solution for more information.

  • Complete "Learn the Steps" Brazilian Funk

    Refer to the " Zumba Diploma " achievement solution for more information.

  • Complete "Learn the Steps" Samba

    Refer to the " Zumba Diploma " achievement solution for more information.

  • Complete "Learn the Steps" Hula

    Refer to the " Zumba Diploma " achievement solution for more information.

  • Complete "Learn the Steps" Burlesque

    Refer to the " Zumba Diploma " achievement solution for more information.

  • Complete "Learn the Steps" Irish Dance

    Refer to the " Zumba Diploma " achievement solution for more information.

  • Complete "Learn the Steps" Capoiera

    Refer to the " Zumba Diploma " achievement solution for more information.

  • Complete "Learn the Steps" Pop

    Refer to the " Zumba Diploma " achievement solution for more information.

  • Complete "Learn the Steps" Hip Hop

    Refer to the " Zumba Diploma " achievement solution for more information.

  • Complete "Learn the Steps" Bollywood

    Refer to the " Zumba Diploma " achievement solution for more information.

  • Each tutorial has two moves specific to that style of dancing to learn. To complete a tutorial, you'll need to get a perfect rating on it. The move repeats over and over, and you'll need to jump in and mirror it until you do it just right. When done correctly, you'll hear from the announcer that you completed it. Switch to the second move in that tutorial and repeat to complete it and unlock the corresponding achievement.

    There's no way to see which tutorials you've completed, but thankfully you can use the achievements as a guide. Almost every one of the moves is incredibly simple and shouldn't take more than a minute to do correctly. There are a couple that are a little more involved, but with a couple minutes of practice it should be simple enough to do it perfect once.

    Once you've completed all tutorials and unlocked their corresponding achievements, this achievement will unlock.

  • Complete a low intensity single song with five stars

    Refer to the " Gold Star " achievement solution for more information.

  • Complete a medium intensity single song with five stars

    Refer to the " Gold Star " achievement solution for more information.

  • Complete a high intensity single song with five stars

    Each song in the game is classified as either low, medium, or high intensity. Note that this doesn't have any bearing on difficulty/complexity of the dance though. It's purely related to how much you'll be moving.

    These achievements unfortunately do not stack, so you'll need to get five stars on three different songs for this achievement. There is also unfortunately no way to see the intensity of a song, at least in World Tour mode. Even so, all of the songs (even the high intensity ones) are repetitive by design, so you can learn and dance along easily. Because of this, getting five stars on songs will happen naturally, and often first try. As long as you can keep your energy up, getting five stars on songs won't pose any problems for anyone.

  • Play and complete every song

    This achievement simply requires you to play every song in the game. This can be done either through World Tour mode or via Quick Play. Just be aware that there isn't any way to keep track of which songs you've played, so it's best to go in order, or at least keep track yourself somehow.

    Note that your rating on each song doesn't affect this achievement, but be aware you do need to achieve three stars on every song to unlock all bonus content. It's best to shoot for five stars though, not only to unlock the bonus content but also to work on burning calories and for a few other achievements.

  • Refer to the " Locksmith " achievement solution for more information.

  • Refer to the " Locksmith " achievement solution for more information.

  • Collect all Passport Stamps

    Refer to the " Locksmith " achievement solution for more information.

  • Refer to the " Gold Class " achievement solution for more information.

  • Finish a Mid-Length Class

    Refer to the " Gold Class " achievement solution for more information.

  • Finish a Full-Length Class

    First of all, be aware that the achievements for each of the three classes do NOT stack. You cannot simply complete the full class to unlock all three achievements. You'll need to play each class once. Also be aware that there is an achievement for completing any length class with a second person, so it's best to knock that out at the same time so you don't need to play a fourth class.

    The short, mid, and full length classes are 20, 40, and 60 minutes long, respectively. For each of these achievements, your performance does not matter at all. So feel free to just stand there, or dance as much as you want. Once you finish each class, you'll unlock its corresponding achievement.

  • Play Zumba Fitness World Party on at least two different days in a week

    Refer to the " Zumba Lover " achievement solution for more information.

  • Play Zumba Fitness World Party on at least four different days in a week

    The description here is pretty straightforward, but two points of clarification:

    1. The week begins the day you start playing; it doesn't go by a calendar week. So if you play on a Wednesday, you have to play three more days before the end of the day Tuesday.
    2. Playing each day counts when you dance to a song, so make sure you do more than just load up the game.

    The achievement tracker does work for this, and since it's not a calendar week, just make sure to play four days within a seven-day stretch to unlock this achievement.

  • Play Zumba Fitness World Party for twelve hours in a month

    Like with the " Zumba Lover " achievement above, this is not a calendar month, and you must play songs for it to count. Unfortunately, this achievement tracker doesn't track, so you can either track it yourself manually, hope that you put in enough hours, or set up a goal as described in the " Goal Completer " achievement solution. Since it's not a calendar month, from the time you play, you have 720 hours to play for 12 cumulative hours. Once you hit the 12-hour mark, this achievement will unlock.

  • This is a cumulative total across all game modes (classes, World Tour, quickplay, etc.) and will likely be the last achievement you unlock. By the time you finish all other achievements, you'll likely only be 25-35% done with this achievement (which is mainly the result of all other modes being relatively quick and easy). Unfortunately, there's no quick way to speed up this achievement; you're stuck playing songs and dancing to grind out this achievement. Luckily the achievement progress does track, but most of your time spent with this game will be accumulating calories burned. The fastest way is naturally to play high intensity songs over and over, but this will expend more of your energy. Find a nice balance and work on this over the course of a week or two and it shouldn't pose any problems.

  • Get above 80% technique in one song

    Refer to the " Zumba Master " achievement solution for more information.

  • Get above 80% technique in three songs

    Refer to the " Zumba Master " achievement solution for more information.

  • Get above 80% technique in ten songs

    After completing a song, you'll be shown a summary screen of how well you performed, with a technique rating out of 100%. As the description says, you'll need to get over 80% on a cumulative total of ten songs.

    This achievement's existence may give the impression there is a challenge in unlocking this, but I scored no less than 90% on every song on my first attempt. As stated numerous times throughout the guide and roadmap, this game is not designed to be complicated or difficult. The songs are repetitious and easy to learn and follow along with. As long as you can keep up the energy, following along accurately to obtain at least an 80% rating should pose minimal difficulty.

  • Complete a Full Class with two players, except for a custom class

    Despite the wording in this achievement's description, this does NOT need to be done in the full one-hour long class. It can be in either the 20-, 40-, or 60-minute class. Simply have a second person join you and play through any one of the three classes. The rating that either of you gets has no bearing on this achievement. You both simply need to finish it, and technically don't even need to move once the Kinect sensor recognizes you both. Finish one class with a second person to unlock this achievement.

    Note that, as with many Kinect games, you could very well trick the Kinect into recognizing a second person with such things as a coat rack, a chair, etc. If you don't have a second person available, you can get creative to try to get the Kinect to recognize a second person. Since rating doesn't matter, this is a viable option for this achievement.

  • Finish a two player song with ten Stars

    As the description says, you'll need to complete any song with two people, each getting a five-star rating on it. In my experience, you'll need to have both people recognized and active before starting the song; starting the song with one person and having the second jump in didn't seem to work.

    Your best bet is to pick a low intensity song to make it as simple as possible. Make sure you both have enough room, but beyond that, there's not much else needed other than maybe a little practice for the second person if this is their first time playing. Even so, this shouldn't take more than an attempt or so for you both to get five stars on the same song.

  • Refer to the " Gold Choreographer " achievement solution for more information.

  • Refer to the " Gold Choreographer " achievement solution for more information.

  • Creating playlists is quick and simple to do. From the main menu, select Full Class, and then choose to create a custom class. Once you're creating your custom class/playlist, add at least one song to it and then save it. Do this three more times to unlock all related achievements.

  • Bonus content is unlocked by obtaining at least three stars on a song. Each song you complete with at least three stars will reward you with postcards, souvenirs, etc. In order to unlock this achievement, you'll need to complete every song in the game with a rating of at least three stars.

    In general, this is incredibly easy to do. The songs were designed to be easy to learn so that you can dance along to lose weight and get a workout. None of the moves are complex, and only a few moves involve some intense movements. The majority of the skill needed for this relies on having the energy to keep on pace throughout the songs. Each is pretty short though, so if you break up your sessions you should have no problem obtaining a three star rating on every song, unlocking this achievement.

  • Under the 'My Zumba' section on the main menu, you'll find the option to set goals for yourself. To unlock this achievement, you'll first need to set a goal. It can be as short and simple as you'd like: play for an hour, burn 100 calories, etc. Then, you simply need to complete that goal, which could be as quick as a few songs.

    Note: I recommend setting a goal for 12 hours of playtime in one month. The reason for this is because there is an achievement for playing for 12 hours in one month, and there is no way to track your progress for it. Setting a goal with the same requirement allows you to see your progress towards that achievement, and completing it will unlock this achievement as well.


Source: https://www.xboxachievements.com/game/zumba-fitness-world-party-xbox-one/guide/

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