A Born Again and an Agnostic

A Conversation about Christian Agnosticism

When asked, I tell people that I'm an Agnostic who prefers to live like a Christian.

I heard this claiming from a radio talk show host, who wondered aloud why Agnostics lived similar Atheists. He asked, "why not still nourish church building?" As a Christian, this question fabricated sense. Over the terminal few years, though, things have changed, and I find myself re-evaluating this question.

I meet a lot of people are questioning their Christian faith. I'thou sure this is happening in other religions, but I tin can simply speak to the one I know best and see most often.

While I understand people in this situation, I want them to proceed parts of their organized religion as they question the being of God and the part of religion in their life.

I plant 3 means to go on my relationship with God.

"Incertitude is a question mark; faith is an exclamation point. The most compelling, conceivable, realistic stories have included them both." — Criss Jami

Lifelong Learning

Doubt is skilful. Organized religion is expert. That'south the point of the quotation higher up. They don't accept to be exclusionary. I'm an educator by trade, so it's piece of cake for me to continually learn. I still read history, books on teaching and leadership, also every bit the Bible and other books or articles on theology.

Many Agnostics leave out the theological books and the Bible. But why? There'southward so much to acquire. I also know some Christians who only read the Bible and books that echo their beliefs. Again, why not challenge yourself?

In the last few years, I have read the following books:

  • UnClubber: Rethinking Our Misuse of The Bible on Homosexuality
  • Men on Fire: Restoring the Forces That Forge Noble Manhood
  • Not a Fan: Becoming a Completely Committed Follower of Jesus
  • Transforming: The Bible and the Lives of Transgendered Christians
  • Misquoting Jesus: The Story Behind Who Inverse the Bible and Why
  • Truth and Fiction in The Da Vinci Code
  • Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth

At get-go glance, this list may seem to lean one way, but keep in heed, I've read a lot of CS Lewis, RC Sproul, Oswald Chambers, Rick Warren, and similar authors. I am also nigh to begin a book study on Philip Yancey's The Jesus I Never Knew, which I first read in the late1990s. Overall, it's a residue.

Agnostics should also proceed reading the Bible. I recently bought the NRSV Cultural Backgrounds Study Bible. The goal of this Bible is to provide an agreement of the customs, culture, and literature of the time period. It's non perfect, just does a good job with the history of the cultures. If anyone knows of a study bible that explains the Creation Story as a poem (not fact), or the myth of the inundation, that Exodus didn't happen, and the political contend over the trinity, allow me know!

Podcasts are another way to keep in bear upon with God without the Sunday morning delivery. I'd suggest: Exploring My Strange Bible by Tim Mackie. It concluded in 2019, only in that location are over 100 sermons Agnostics would enjoy. In fact, I employ podcasts as my sermons. Sermons are the only part of a worship service I like, so I just skip to the main dish. I tin listen to them on Sundays, or a Tuesday afternoon while I jog in my neighborhood.

Agnostics should re-read the Bible, history, philosophy, history, and theology. Anybody should know why they believe what they practice.

The side by side best thing to being wise oneself is to live in a circle of those who are. — C.South. Lewis.

Find People

No affair where people are in their faith journeying, it'southward easy to find folks who accept the aforementioned beliefs. It's besides easy to observe those who don't, and sometimes, it'due south easy to dismiss them.

I would suggest keeping believers nearby.

Currently, I accept a diversity of friends and family along the entire faith spectrum. 2 of my best friends are committed Christians and we practice have conversations nearly faith and God. In fact, it was one of my Christian friends who told me the Philip Yancey quotation, "Jesus is the best kept clandestine of Christianity."

I truly recall Jesus was a revolutionary who would probably agree more than with Bernie Sanders than Donald Trump.

Recently, I joined a men's Bible study. The social aspect has been dainty as we've done breakfast together and volition spend the weekend camping before long. In our Bible studies, still, I don't hold back on my doubts, but I also don't belittle them for behavior I don't share.

For case, just from side conversations, I can assume that most of the men in my group do not support same-sex marriage as I do. I promise I'thousand incorrect, we haven't discussed it. But I'm certain they're office of the "honey the sinner, hate the sin" oversupply as most Christians seem to be, and call back that's progressive. I'g in the, "honey the believer, hate the conventionalities" crowd (I stole that from somewhere, but I tin't retrieve from where).

To live like a Christian Doubter, foster friendships from both worlds. Merely watch for when they collide!

Do all yous tin can to preach the gospel and if necessary, use words. — Francis of Assisi


I've loved that quotation for years. So I was a bit saddened to recently learn that he may not have actually said it. It doesn't arrive less true.

Here are my two favorite verses in scripture:

And what does the Lord require of you?
To human activity justly and to love mercy — Micah 6:8

Love your neighbor as you dearest yourself — Matthew 22:39

I likewise wrote near morality as an agnostic, where I conclude that the best, and simplest moral law, is the Gilt Rule:

Practice to others as yous would accept them exercise to yous — Luke half dozen:31

I like this final i considering it was a moral code 500 years earlier Jesus. Information technology's a secular idea!

For 10 years, I worked for a faith-based non-profit. Nosotros worked on the issue of Human Trafficking. We ran sensation campaigns for our community and created a "modern solar day abolitionists" curriculum for middle and loftier schools. I stopped tithing to my church and gave to this group, instead. Now, I'm finding another fashion to volunteer in my community.

Each day, I try to find a way to "beloved my neighbor." Whether information technology's through volunteering or just pocket-sized acts of kindness throughout the day.

This is something everyone can concur upon and it isn't even a religious duty. EVERYONE should detect a way to volunteer in their community.

If you don't know where to starting time, ask these two questions:

  • What issue are you passionate about?
  • What skills or hobbies are you passionate about?

With these ii answers, merge them into an action plan.

I actually helped implement a curriculum in one of my schools with students, who did exactly this. This was not faith-based. Hither's an example of how one pupil answered these two questions and did an astonishing job volunteering.

She was passionate almost animals, dogs and cats, in item. She also loved photography. She owned her own 35mm camera and ofttimes took pictures around her neighborhood.

She did the research, and institute out that dogs and cats in shelters were more than likely to get adopted if they had pictures online. A program was made!

She took her camera, went to the local shelter, and created a agenda featuring her photography of the dogs and cats that needed a new habitation. It was amazing.

Anybody should volunteer. It might not make you feel closer to God, but it will make you lot experience closer to the love God wants you to have for others.


Being an Agnostic can however mean exploring a religious organized religion. Any faith. By continually learning near religion, interacting with religious friends, and volunteering in your customs, you can however struggle with God, while feeling comfortable in your own skin.


Source: https://medium.com/interfaith-now/a-conversation-about-christian-agnosticism-4cbf6555d3db

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